One mission of the NIH-funded Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Kansas INBRE) grant is to strengthen NIH-related biomedical research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) through the administration of the Summer PUI Research Investigator Grant (SPRING) Pilot Projects. The SPRING Pilot Projects are designed to support research primarily in the summer months and enhance student participation in research.
We are now seeking to identify ten faculty members from PUIs to participate as SPRING Pilot Project Recipients.
Letter of Intent:
Submit a letter of intent through REDCap by noon on November 1st (or the next business day if the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday). Your one-page letter of intent should summarize a 1-year NIH-related research plan that could be accomplished with a $30,000/year budget. Identify any potential student researchers (with their institution) and briefly comment on the points listed under criteria. Please use the "SAVE AND RETURN" feature in REDCap once your letter of intent is uploaded. The system will maintain your information until you are ready to submit your complete proposal submission by December 1, (or the next business day, if the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday). The criteria for selection of outstanding research proposals are as follows:
* Appropriate NIH-related scientific focus.
* Strong and exciting hypothesis with well-developed rationale.
* Minimum requirement for extensive preliminary data.
*Feasible, short-term research project that the investigator and student can conduct within the time frame of the award (ideally resulting in a presentation, publication, and/or R16/R15 grant proposal submission)
* Investigator (both tenure track and research track faculty are eligible) at one of the K-INBRE network institutions
* A student identified, preferably at the same institution
* The applicant's institution must guarantee to provide 3 calendar months of release time to perform the research.
* The applicant's project must represent a currently unfunded project at the time of submission.
* K-INBRE SPRING Pilot Project awardees may not concurrently hold a COBRE grant.
Proposal Format:
The following pages can be downloaded from this site: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html
* Form Page 1: Face Page (with signature from appropriate institutional official)
* Form Page 2: Summary, Relevance, Project/Performance Sites, Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, and Human Embryonic Stem Cells
* Form Page 3: Research Grant Table of Contents
*Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Period (Include justification)
SF424 budgets will be accepted in place of the 398 budget sheets. Please include a budget justification.
* Biographical Sketch Format Page (Include a biographical sketch for the applicant)
* Checklist Form Page
* Continuation Format Page
* Letter from department chair guaranteeing release time to perform research. 3 calendar months must be committed to the research activities.
Use an Arial typeface, a black font color, and a font size of 11 points or larger. The research plan should not exceed 3 pages and should include:
* Specific Aims (1/2 page)
* Research Strategy (Significance, Innovation, Approach, Statistics and Rigor, Expected Outcomes, Alternative Strategies, Timeline)
*Mentoring Plan for students including how research results will be disseminated (1/2 page)
The following should be addressed but are not included within the 3-page limit:
* Bibliography and References Cited
* Vertebrate Animals
* Select Agent Research
* Consortium/Contractual Arrangements
* Letters of Support
* Resource Sharing Plan(s)
* Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources
*PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information
* Appendices may not be included
Peer Review:
Proposals will be reviewed by the K-INBRE Incentives and Awards Committee and the K-INBRE External Advisory Committee, with the major criteria being the importance and strength of the science and the likelihood of developing successful NIH-related biomedical research and student participation. Once approved by these committees, the proposal will be submitted to NIGMS for administrative review.
Grants are awarded for 1 year. This award is for $30,000 (direct costs). F&A will be in addition to the $30,000 and should be calculated as appropriate to your campus for Facilities & Administrative Cost (F&A) recovery. Remember, the investigator must commit 3 calendar months of effort to the project.
All awards are contingent on project approval from NIGMS and the availability of future funds from NIH.
All proposals must be submitted through REDCap by 12:00 noon on December 1, (or the next business day, if the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday). Announcements of awards are planned before May 1. The earliest possible start date will be May 1, 2024. Funds will be made available upon approval from NIH and must be spent or encumbered by April 30, of the following year. Each application should be submitted through REDCap as a single PDF file.
* KUMC applicants should submit proposals directly to REDCap. After funding decisions have been made, awarded KUMC proposals will be routed through the KUMC Sponsored Programs Office for approvals and signatures.
* All other submissions should include a signature from an authorized official.
Letter of Intent submitted through REDCap by noon on November 1, (or the next business day, if the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday).
Full proposals are due December 1, by 12:00 noon (or the next business day, if the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday).
Quarterly progress reports are required to satisfy NIH's new Uniform Guidance policy. These reports will also be provided to the DRPP Core Director.
When K-INBRE funds have supported your research, please remember to acknowledge this support by including the grant number P20GM103418, regardless of the time period between receipt of funding and the publication or presentation.
Further Information:
Call or e-mail Heiata J. Chapman, Executive Director, K-INBRE, (913) 588-7170, hchapman@kumc.edu
Funding Expectations:
Acknowledgment: When K-INBRE funds have supported your research, please remember to cite this support by including the grant number P20 GM103418, regardless of the time period between receipt of funding and the publication or presentation.
Mentoring: Applicant and student will follow their submitted mentoring plan. No more than 1/2 page for the mentoring plan.
Progress Reports: Provide periodic reports to satisfy NIH/sponsor requests/requirements.
K-INBRE Annual Symposium: Please plan to attend the annual K-INBRE symposium in January which is held on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend each year.