A Bridging Grant provides interim support to help a project in Biomedical Research continue for an eligible investigator who has submitted a grant (e.g., R01, R21, R16, R15) to NIH that was approved on the basis of scientific merit, but fell short of the funding range (applications with a poor impact score or low percentile ranking will not be considered). These funds should assist in providing data needed to submit a revised application to NIH. Proposals must outline how the bridging grant addresses reviewers' concerns and will lead to a more robust revised application.
The resources available have been earmarked exclusively to help an on-going project that has just missed the funding cut-off to keep momentum going until NIH funds are secured. K-INBRE-5 will fund up to three grants at $25,000 for PUI institutions. Additionally, we hope to use leveraged funds from state resources to support three more grants at $40,000 to non-PUIs.
Tenure and Research Track Faculty Investigators, on the ten K-INBRE campuses, in all areas of biomedical research are eligible to compete for these funds. There are no restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted per institution or within a category.
All submissions must include a signature from the appropriate institutional official (except KUMC, see submission guidelines) and authorization for use of animals, human subjects and hazardous materials. Use Arial typeface, black font color, and font size of 11 points. The following pages can be downloaded from this site: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html
- Form Page 2: Summary, Relevance, Project/Performance Sites, Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, and Human Embryonic Stem Cells
- Form Page 3: Research Grant Table of Contents
- Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period (include justification)
SF424 budgets OR Excel Spreadsheets will be accepted in place of the PHS398 budget sheets. Please reach out to us if you would like a template. Please also include a budget justification. See template here: Detailed Budget Justification Template.docx
- Biographical Sketch (include one sketch for each investigator; include information on Research Support)
The research plan should not exceed 5 pages and should include:
- Specific Aims (specific to this bridging award, should outline experiments that will fill any gaps in the research and improve a subsequent NIH application)
- Research Strategy (Significance, Innovation, Approach, Expected Outcomes, Statistics and Rigor, Mentoring Plan, Alternative Strategies, Timeline)
- Address Reviewer's Comments and describe a project that will enhance the chances of your re-submission being funded.
The following should be addressed but are not included within the 5-page limit:
- Bibliography and References Cited
- Multiple Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) Leadership Plan
- Consortium/Contractual Arrangements
- Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources
- PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information
No Appendices will be accepted.
The scored critique, from your most recent submission to NIH, dated no more than two years prior to the bridging grant submission deadline must be included.
Peer Review:
Proposals will be reviewed by external reviewers, the K-INBRE Incentives and Awards Committee and the K-INBRE External Advisory Committee, with the major criteria being the importance and strength of the science and the likelihood of developing successfully into an NIH-funded project. Once approved by these committees, the proposal will be submitted to NIGMS for administrative review.
Proposals for an R01 may not exceed $40,000 (direct costs), and proposals for an R21/R15/R16 may not exceed $25,000 (direct costs). For PUIs, Facilities & Administrative Costs (F&A) can be added as appropriate to your campus for Facilities & Administrative Cost (F&A) recovery. No F&A will be available for non-PUIs. All awards are contingent on the availability of funds.
Complete proposals must be submitted through REDCap as a single PDF file, by noon on December 1, (or the next business day, if the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday).
*KU-Lawrence submissions should have a signature from an authorized official prior to submission to the K-INBRE Administrative Office.
*KUMC applicants should submit proposals directly to REDCap. After funding decisions have been made, awarded KUMC proposals will be routed through the KUMC Sponsored Programs Office for approvals and signatures.
- Proposal Submission Deadline: December 1, at noon (or the next business day, if the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday).
- Proposed Budget Start Date: May 1, Start date is contingent on receipt of Notice of Award and NIGMS administrative project approval.
- Project End Date: April 30, of the following year all funds must be spent or encumbered.
Approval of the following by NIGMS Administrative Staff is required before your project may begin:
- Research Strategy Section
- Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form and IRB approval (if applicable)
- IACUC Approval, Vertebrate Animal Section (if applicable)
- Acknowledgement: When K-INBRE funds have supported your research, please remember to cite this support by including the grant number P20 GM103418, regardless of the time period between receipt of funding and the publication or presentation.
- Progress Reports: Provide periodic reports to satisfy NIH requests/requirements.
- Resubmission: Resubmit your grant within the time frame listed on your application.
- K-INBRE Annual Symposium: If available please plan to attend the annual K-INBRE symposium in January which is held on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend each year.
E-mail Heiata J. Chapman, Executive Director, K-INBRE, hchapman@kumc.edu